Comment 67431

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted August 05, 2011 at 07:59:32 in reply to Comment 67379

It would be better if it actually was factual and presented both sides of the argument fairly/accurately rather than being obviously biased.

Fair enough.

So clearly, you suspect that there's 'another side' to what's been presented.

Show us.

Better yet, write an article.

Because this doesn't seem to be a simple case of you not wanting to hear what Ryan's saying...that there are elements you feel have been either misrepresented or need better representation.

This site has a mandate. And Ryan et al proceed within that mandate. This is not a newspaper. There is no allegiance to 'absolute and strictly-adhered-to' notions of stark objectivity. This displeases some.

So write your own articles for RTH.

If Ryan refuses to publish them...I can almost guarantee this won't be the case...then your underlying point will have merit.

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