Comment 67417

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted August 04, 2011 at 23:24:21

You are right though. It is a non partisan site it must be careful, but art is political. Art should not be non-partisan. Art is often inspired by things that affect us deeply. Sometimes those things are political and sometimes one person represents something that we feel very passionately against and being partisan when using your art - your voice, is like replacing the F word with oh darn. For RTH to continue to be a relaible and respected news source, perhaps it should continue to be partisan which I feel it is. But people from all walks of life contribite to this news source why can't some, be a little more off the cuf? Maybe categorize those pieces under opinion?

For me Hammer, this piece represents diversity in opinions from a city as diverse in culture and religion as it possibly comes.

Comment edited by lawrence on 2011-08-04 23:29:20

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