Comment 67405

By misterque (registered) - website | Posted August 04, 2011 at 21:08:39

Dear RTH fans of the b-line LRT.

We are caught up in a battle over cost. There is an important difference between cost and value. Value is cost plus vision. Anything can be cancelled because of cost. After returning from Vancouver, where I grew up pre-Skytrain, I cannot emphasize the VALUE of the rapid transit system there.

Hamilton will derive immense value from the b-line LRT. It will be part of a planned system that includes better roads, all day GO, bike lanes, happy sidewalks, etc., etc. It all is affordable because the VALUE of the effect it will have cannot be beat.

Since none of us can even remotely predict the cost of a b-line LRT (opposed or for). I suggest we use a more powerful statistical tool that is used often in my line of work. This is called a meta analysis. I can't do one. My brain is too small (ahem Nicholas Kevlahan). The basic concept is to combine ALL the LRTs that meet the criteria of Hamilton's size, length of track, etc. Add it all up, and divide I guess :). This should cancel out differences and similarities. I think the final result of this process may be 42. We can dispense with cost, and move onto the vision of value.

Just sayin'.

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