Comment 674

By Rusty (registered) - website | Posted July 20, 2006 at 08:01:30

Hi Msrk ('Mark', I'm assuming...?),

You would hope that employers, who would also, of course, be heavily impacted by driving bans, would look for a way to keep their employees working. Telecommuting for instance. If the driving ban was enforced employers could at least plan for it, and find a way to connect their workers from home.

I know this doesn't work for all jobs but with change comes sacrifice. If commuters are not prepared to make the sacrifice then who?

There has been some discussion in the TO papers this week about free TTC travel on smog days, like they do in San Fran. Another great idea. Apparently this will never fly because the system is chronicly underfunded (over to you McGuinty, Harper...)

There was also some disucussion (by the Greens I think) about a government endorsed Pledge to Canadians. The pledge would enforce our right to clean air, clean water etc.

I'm pleased to see lots of ideas coming through on this subject. What doesn't help is when people block these ideas without a) acknowledging the absolute necessity of doing SOMETHING, and b)offering an alternative solution.

Let's keep the discussion going folks!


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