Comment 67252

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted August 02, 2011 at 21:34:00

The madness continues. I find it laughable that you are actually trying to convince us that Hamilton and Vancouver are similar cities.
Hamilton is vastly different than Vancouver and if you think otherwise spend a day or two in each. Vancouver is the destination city for many miles around. The heart and centre of a metropolis of almost 3 million. Corporate headquarters, huge commercial presence and the provincial capital. I do not believe that there is a single major corporate head office anywhere in Hamilton. Not likely to be one any time soon with Toronto and Mississauga being so close and having many there already. Even K-W has RIM and maybe others.

Has it ever occurred to you that there are many citizens in Hamilton who do not want to live in a city like Toronto or Vancouver? I know quite a few people who have moved here from Toronto because they do not want to live in that kind of city. Yet you and others like you keep holding up Vancouver and Toronto as these shining examples of what Hamilton should be. Why can we not have and enjoy our city for what it is? If what you really and truly want is to live in a city like Vancouver or Toronto why did you decide to live in Hamilton?

I love Hamilton for what it is, that is not to say it is perfect and cannot change but if it becomes another Toronto or Vancouver I will move and find another place to live. I would not be the only one.

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