Comment 67227

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted August 02, 2011 at 13:41:43 in reply to Comment 67201

When you asked me MSC, street by street, house by house was the path my visions started to take. My mind, needless to say, quickly started to go a little numb and short circuited.

Perhaps as a collective, we can start venturing through this city and jotting down some notes that could be shared on an Open Data map, that outlines how we see this city shaping up for the future?

It's a big project. One that shouldn't be stepped into softly or lightly or with quick off-the-cuff thoughts and suggestions. We would be talking about 'other peoples back yards'. about houses and buildings we feel should go. About business parking lots that should look at alternatives to pavement, or about converting streets to two way or LRT paths or about adding more bike lanes, or adding/removing schools and social services and all of these requiring proper input from area citizens and so much of this process will surely open up some serious debate. All good things I believe but if we take say 4km radius's at a time for example, take a long hard look at them and figure out ways to engage the local citizens and business owners and the ward represenative(s), I think we can get some wheels turning and forumlate our own solid and hard thought, business plan for the whole of the GHA.

I added more to this part of the discussion on Kevin Somers piece about People.

It seemed to all tie in, in a round about way.

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