Comment 67212

By littleLRTmouse (anonymous) | Posted August 02, 2011 at 12:58:23

Your article is certainly thought-provoking and well-balanced. It is too often,that general public may be afraid of old/abandoned rail structures,but evolution in the world shows, that these structures are still useful. One reason is, that the soil under the gravel has been pressed to withstand much greater pressure, than whatever LRT may ever have. Hamilton LRT may not even be fully electrified - Zwickau (Germany) is using diesels-on-wheels going right into the city. Kassel (Germany) has used only section in the city and when outside the city core,their "LRT" runs as diesel. The main thing is, that once abandoned rail R.O.W. will be detached from rest of network, it will not have to abide by FRA regulations. However one task should be made by Mr.Bratina - develop proper land use plan together with "behind-the-scenes" stakeholders (Metrolinx/GO) and stick to it.

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