Comment 67177

By Fred Street (anonymous) | Posted August 02, 2011 at 09:06:53

Thoughtful piece, but again, this "focus" dates back years (and is possibly coloured by the fact that Bratina has been a member of GO Transit’s BOD for years):

The city obviously has anecdotal grounds to justify a pilot project, but all-day service will ultimately rise or fall on ridership. StatsCan figures suggest that half of Hamilton's commuters go no further than Burlington, and that Burlington is close enough that it is both well-serviced by existing transit connections hardly an onerous commute.

To my mind, it is unclear exactly how many commuters are happily served by existing transit service (GO bus, GO Train, Burlington Transit), how many are waiting for more convenient scheduling, and how many would never willingly abandon their cars (or work in locations that make doing so impractical -- eg. even within Hamilton, Councillor Johnson's commute would be about an hour by HSR). And although RTH is core-centric more often than not, it should be said that the survival odds of James North station will hinge on the arrival of the additional expansion stops recommended for Fruitland Road and Fifty Road, "as ridership warrants."

In order to optimize James North in a way that will get drivers out of their cars and activate the greatest po, there will be the need for a parking lot of considerable size – at least identical to LIUNA station, possibly larger: For the six stops at the west end of the Lakeshore line, station capacity is around 2,400 parking spots. For the six stops at the east end, it's around 1,900. Our enthusiasm for all-day GO will potentially be embodied in the form of additional surface parking on adjacent lands.

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