Comment 67175

By Brioski8 (registered) | Posted August 02, 2011 at 08:59:21

Why don't we call this what it is?

The Mayor and City Manager are repositioning the City so that it can fully capitalize on what is widely seen as a sweeping political change happening at the Provincial Level. The Conservatives have made it blindingly clear on their intentions for transportation funding for the next 4 years. The lion's share of handouts will be for contracts related to the "Mid-pen" Highway. Oh wait... don't call it that!!! I mean, the Niagara to GTA transportation corridor. Ah! much better.

Anyways. The Conservatives have given plenty of notice that there will be no funding for mass transit projects at the local level. Any money that does go to public transit will be within the traditional funding scope of the province. ie. Go Transit.

If the City does not pivot they will find themselves scraping at a barrel of funding that is no longer supported at the provincial level.

With that being said. The City still has to include LRT in their planning horizon, and probably much sooner than Bratina and Murray is letting on. 10 years fly by quickly and at the moment they seem to be setting us for failure when Provincial funding once again changes direction.

Comment edited by Brioski8 on 2011-08-02 08:59:43

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