Comment 67142

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted August 01, 2011 at 14:34:43 in reply to Comment 67140

Well, I'd be very intrigued to read what you've come up with. If you don't feel like putting it in point-form here, I encourage you to send it to me via my blog.

But who said anything about a 'single vision'?

And why should any vision have to set it apart from other cities?

Pick a part of the city. Re-imagine it. Pick several parts, offer up synergistic imaginings. There are no rules.

The other day, I was sitting with a friend talking about RTH and one of the things he pointed out was that very few people seem inclined (courageous enough?) to post specific ideas. For fear of getting downvoted, or just plain ridiculed.

I think he's right, and I think it's a shame, because it takes something huge out of the 'discourse' formula, leaving us with hardly more than 'thumbs-up' or 'thumbs-down' options.

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