Comment 67135

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted August 01, 2011 at 08:59:33 in reply to Comment 67134

I guess I would like to see minds embrace new ideas and not deem anyone as carpet baggers who just don't get Hamilton.

-puts on his Cap of Cynicism-

I'm not so sure that 'Hamiltonians' get Hamilton.

Often responses are so fuelled by emotion and are missing context, perspective...and an historical grasp of the city.

Here's something offered up in a connected (private) conversation:

"But then that (solution) would require planning, not missionary zeal."

I posited a question earlier on in this thread, and nobody seemed interested in responding (and should be an article in itself, or the topic of an RTH-sponsored salon or town hall meeting). It ties into what you've brought up here, the 'fresh eyes' notion:

What do YOU think Hamilton should want to be when it grows up? Specifically. From top to bottom. East to west, north to south. What's YOUR vision of the city? Let's hear some visionary suggestions as to how YOU'D like to see the city look.

Comment edited by mystoneycreek on 2011-08-01 09:01:05

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