Comment 67130

By hamiltondweller (anonymous) | Posted July 31, 2011 at 22:12:32

There is no skill in scanning barcodes and using debit or credit card machines. I use it all the time at the bank(as it only takes practice, not skill). I get it done shopping more quicker at the automated machines over a cashier. I never wait 5-10 minutes in line, because I don't have to wait for the 5 people in front to process their orders. That's why they created computers and machines to get jobs done quicker. Like it or not. It is inevitable. Internet is replacing jobs more quicker than you realize. It is the norm, it is our reality. Businesses will continue to be competitive to survive, and tech. is the the key. The internet has made people famous as young as 6 overnight. At one point it use to take years in the making to become an artist. You need to face this reality, and evolve with the times.

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