Comment 67089

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted July 29, 2011 at 15:58:19 in reply to Comment 67086

It's Friday afternoon, so I don't mind getting my hands a little dirty...

The term 'liberal, intellectual elite' is used by certain parts of the American political landscape, mostly out of insecurity. It's become a pejorative. Which is funny, because I remember the days when the right had some mighty intellectual behemoths of their own.

It's sad that looking at things from a more introspective way, and expressing these observations in complex sentences using polysyllabic words with a dash of élan and maybe some oomph thrown in for good measure can upset some people. Especially when they haven't met you.

But I would ask this question: 'What the Hell does an 'everyman' look like in Hamilton?'

Methinks we're talking about a class demarcation...and if we are, then we're wading through some very troubling waters indeed.

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