Comment 67075

By mrjanitor (registered) | Posted July 28, 2011 at 22:08:36

A poem by Bill Mahoney, retired USW1005 Steelworker:

City of Waterfalls

There's hardly any jobs at all, but come and see our waterfall; I'm not quite sure just where it went, it's somewhere under the cement.

Ignore our closed down factories and growing welfare lines; Just look at our waterfalls, everything is fine.

If the hungry children cry, our mayor says diversify; We don't make things here anymore, all our plants have moved offshore.

We'll just become a tourist trap, and sell each other foreign crap.

You can work in a coffee shop, or sell tourists hot dogs and pop; And maybe be a tour guide, and take the tourist for a ride.

But don't show them where the homeless lie.

I question the wisdom of these calls, that base our future on waterfalls. The mayor should give his head a shake, this line of thinking he must break.

Jobs with dignity for all, that should be our battle call.

Comment edited by mrjanitor on 2011-07-28 22:09:00

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