Comment 67062

By Jonathan Dalton (registered) | Posted July 28, 2011 at 15:37:02 in reply to Comment 67036

Really man? Give it up, the article isn't going anywhere.

I get your argument that it is immoral to reference a tragic event in attempt to further the case for one's own viewpoint. In doing so, you would be 'capitalizing' on another's personal loss for your own selfish gain. One could even take pleasure in another's misfortune if it somehow proves them right in their own mind.

Is it any different if you refer to a tragedy as an example of a harmful trend to which you want to draw attention and criticism? Is it wrong for groups like MADD to use real examples of lives lost as a result of drunk driving? Would it be as effective if they simply stated the facts that drunk driving is harmful and can lead to death, or maybe would some specific examples help make the point?

How do you distinguish between the 'shameful', and the respectful, when judging commentary on horrific events? It seems like you judged this article shameful simply because of the viewpoint of the author with which you disagree.

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