Comment 67059

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted July 28, 2011 at 15:04:10 in reply to Comment 67048

Mr. Grande ...

This was an isolated incident and, while the crosswalk being a half kilometer away is an example of car culture, the prosecution of this crime is not. The sentencing, even less so.

I'm not sure about that. Apparently, the jury members had never taken the city bus before:

"There probably wasn't a lot of empathy among the jurors. [At trial] they asked people had anyone used public transport in metro Atlanta," she said. "Nobody raised their hand."

I imagine that never taking transit - nor walking along these roads, I dare say - was a factor in the jurors decision. And that - that right there - is the result of car culture.

And before I get accused of being a left-wing tree hugger who can't see past the soy latte balanced on the handlebars of my fixie as I cycle up the middle of Main Street West, let me point out that I'm an SUV-driving suburbanite ... but like many RtH regulars, I value my city, my neighbours and my safety more highly than my ability to drive quickly across town.

Comment edited by moylek on 2011-07-28 16:12:54

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