Comment 66977

By Brandon (registered) | Posted July 27, 2011 at 13:44:00

First we have...

Well the Downtown BIA under Gerry Murphy who's a great guy, and I love him, and I've ridden in his truck in the Santa Claus Parade, he sent us a letter on behalf of his organization saying we should be pushing for LRT funding.

Then we have...

We've heard so many, "I'm a senior and I'll be happy to pay $125 dollar increase in my taxes."

Not to mention the various organizations that have publicly said LRT is the way to go, and finally...

But we got a whole bunch of bloggers that want LRT. Who's that gonna convince?

Funny how everyone is reduced to a "blogger" and therefore irrelevant.

Regardless, I'm not quite sure what his message is here. He tells us that there are lots of people from business leaders to seniors who want LRT to happen, then he tells us it's just a bunch of bloggers.

Platform Shmatform.

Comment edited by Brandon on 2011-07-27 13:46:43

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