Comment 66844

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted July 23, 2011 at 19:45:29 in reply to Comment 66816

If that highway gets built I wonder what the traffic numbers would be compared to the LRT. The mid pen highway would be about 50 Km long and would cost a lot less than 4 or 5 billion. The Linc was built 15 years ago and cost less than 30 million. The Redhill was finally finished 5 years ago and for 7 Km of some of the toughest highway to build cost 100 million. That was not only building a lot of bridges but also rehabbing miles of valley making it a lot nicer after the highway than it ever was before. Not to mention all the legal battles against misguided parties. There is still a huge action before the courts that may take years still to resolve. If not for the idiocy of senior governments and truly misguided activists the cost could have been and would have been a lot less.

Toronto has a huge LRT/subway system, about 70 Km of track, in a city much bigger and much more of a destination city for miles around. The LRT/subway carries about 1,000,000 people per day on its 4 lines through one of the densest and most highly developed cities in North America. The 401 one of the busiest highways in North America is used by about 500,000 vehicles per day. It is truly a car-centric culture we live in, is it not. You may wish more people to use transit but that sure is not reality.

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