Comment 66829

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted July 23, 2011 at 08:36:09

In our lifetimes cataclysmic changes are bound to occur mystoneycreek. How do we make plans for our city's survival by not accepting this fact?

Just as Mark Chamberlain took the time to ask some different questions in today's Spec article ( ) I think the real question here is 'How many Hamiltonians have taken the time to consider the possibility that such changes are bound to occur?'

Contrary to the regular proof here on this site that an often-sizeable number of brain cells are being used in this task, my response would be 'Not many.'

So in a way, while your point is well-taken, and deserves a considered response, given the context of the past year, what with the Pan Am Games Stadium Selection Process Débacle and 2011's now-unfolding version, I'd say the notion of both accepting and addressing such a dilemma is well beyond our general ken...rendering 'planning' a moot discussion.

Comment edited by mystoneycreek on 2011-07-23 08:37:32

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