Comment 66820

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted July 22, 2011 at 17:16:41 in reply to Comment 66815

RSF, this isn't a dig. This is an honest, sincere question: What would it take to get someone like yourself into IWS? What kind of event (big or small)? Seeing as though at this point, the Cats are the primary tennant, is there anything 'they' could do that would get you to attend say even one game a year?

Is it about ownership/bad taste from stadium debate? Not a fan and never went before the debate? Don't like the area? Not enough parking? Hate sports in general?

What one or two things drive you away?

I try to write about different ways to enjoy a game on the A Beautiful Night For Football site, including talking about games I attend and end up chatting with old friends I haven't seen in eons over a drink or two and sometimes, I don't even catch any of the game. A real expensive cover charge for an evenening social I guess but if you love being around a lot of people and the roar of a crowd, it's fun just being in the vacinity of that energy.

With the stadium debate over the past however month taking up most of my writing time, I didn't write much on the ABNFF site, but comments like yours (and once again this is by no means a dig), made me remember why I started that site - trying to think of Ivor Wynne and the franchise of the Tiger-Cats itself (not ownerhsip or even the game of football itself), as an important part of Hamilton's fabric; a valued part of our east-end commmunity.

I'll admit once again, that $35 avg to get in, plus $6 drinks and over-priced food, is a hard pill to swallow when you think of family or even just singilar entertainment options - or an expensive option for a sociable night out.

So money is surely tops on a lot of peoples lists but there are 500,000+ people in this city which means for a lot of folks, money isn't the issue. That stadium should be sustainable from within when you figure it only holds 30,000 people every other week during the summer and fall months. (maximum 11 games a year)

When I interviewed Ivor Wynne's son Bob last year, he stated how IWS (Civic Stadium of course when his father was alive), was once the place to be. Where doctors and lawyers and the like, all hung out. I know there is a lot more to do these days, but is there a way to bring that nieche back?

How do we attract not just the sports community, but the arts, business folks, the young, and the old?

For all those that have never played team sports, they surely don't understand the attraction the game. Or you have the hockey fans or the NFL fans or soccer fans. What's missing for this latter community in this game or that venue, to make you want to be amongst that energy every other weekend?

Last game Hamilton won their home game by the largest margin of any other game that weekend, yet had the lowest attendance in the league at just over 22,000 I believe it was and it was a beautiful (albeit very hot), Saturday afternoon/evening. Why wasn't that place packed?

I myself enjoy sitting on the north side and gawking out into the Hamilton afternoon at the tree-lined escarpment or the lights of downtown later in the evening. It's a nice place to sit and have a drink and take a break from life. The bench seats aren't the best I guess but I especially don't mind them now knowing that that will all be addressed in the next few years.

Why don't you (broader audience being addressed with this question), go to the games? What would get you in the stadium if not for the first time, for the first time in some time?

And I just noticed you said seldom RSF. Sorry, then why seldom?

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