Comment 66724

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted July 21, 2011 at 12:52:15

We are so screwed in this town because even when we have a vision statement (again, one that I think is not very well articulated), we have absolutely no idea how to use it. No wonder our absenteeism, short term disability and long term disability rates amongst COH employees are on the increase from an already high rate. People have no sense of purpose or direction. No sense of contribution. No sense of progress.

I've editorialized about the 'culture of obstructionism' within City Hall. How, despite the campaigns to the contrary, Hamilton is not 'open for business'. And I believe this ties into what you're saying here, H&H.

I'm reminded of a cartoon I pinned up on the time-clock bulletin board at a store I managed a service shop at, one that had me 'beckoned' to the Manager's office, where we had it out, philosophically-wise. (He was vastly out-gunned.)

'The staff whippings will cease when morale improves.'

Ya know, it's absolutely incredible the broad effects that inspired (and inspiring) leadership can accomplish. Not that we're witnessing it now. (But then, as my father was always wont to say, 'At least he can be held up as a bad example...')

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