Comment 66711

By H+H (registered) - website | Posted July 21, 2011 at 11:08:42

Let me second mystoneycreek's post.

I'll add that we do have a stated vision, although not a particularly compelling one.

"To be the best place in Canada to raise a child, promote innovation, engage citizens, and provide diverse economic opportunities."

Four elements each with the goal of being the best in Canada. It doesn't have any metrics associated with each of the 4 elements, thus making it nothing more than a Hallmark greeting card.

Whether you love this vision or not, it was written by at least some members of Council and the SMT of the City.

What we don't have is any understanding of or interest in operationalizing the vision. It sits as a forgotten exercise, marked only by a poster or two that might still be up on the odd bulletin board outside of somebody's cubicle or elevator lobby. Bratina, given his comments about having a vision that consists of three current projects, doesn't understand what a vision is nor the role it can play moving the hearts and minds of thousands of people toward it. Nor, seemingly, does Chris Murray, the visor-wearing City Manager. As for the other Councillors, few of them would have ever been in an organization that had an operationalized vision. Slogans are not visions. They're slogans!

A great vision is not only aspirational, it also helps you to make decisions today based on how they will impact the future achievement of the vision. It's a touchstone. A filter. A measure. Just as mystoneycreek said, "balancing pragmatism with vision".

We are so screwed in this town because even when we have a vision statement (again, one that I think is not very well articulated), we have absolutely no idea how to use it. No wonder our absenteeism, short term disability and long term disability rates amongst COH employees are on the increase from an already high rate. People have no sense of purpose or direction. No sense of contribution. No sense of progress.


Comment edited by H+H on 2011-07-21 11:10:07

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