Comment 66698

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted July 21, 2011 at 10:02:25

I'll offer up a paraphrase:

"Vision? That's what we have civic leaders for. That's what we have elected officials for. That's why we have Councillors and a Mayor.

They're supposed to not only listen to their constituents and act reasonably on reasonable issues, but provide leadership. (Which yes, is more than merely 'doing as they're requested' or lobbied.) They're supposed to be more informed than just about any of the residents, and as such, be able to shine light where obdurateness and apathy tend to produce stultifying darkness.

They're supposed to balance pragmatism with vision.

Actually, allow me to re-phrase that: 'while proceeding at all times with a sense of responsibility and pragmatism, they should consistently be driving the city forward with vision.'

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