Comment 66693

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted July 21, 2011 at 09:42:46 in reply to Comment 66686

Can I ask, why ultimate costs matter if the federal and provincial government may be paying for the lions share of same?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not an LRT at all costs person, but I think we need to pursue LRT up to the point where we can find out what it will cost Hamilton, and then determine if we can live with that cost, or if we need to grudgingly move back to BRT.

As for improved bus frequency, I'd love to see that, and we used to have more frequent bus service in this city, but the number of buses and number of service hours, has decreased steadily since the 80s. Just consider the budget presentations the HSR made last year and early this year to find the numbers.

Council definitley needs to put more money into the transit system in general, but I think they also need to look at increasing capacity on the B-line beyond what buses can provide. The buses that LRT will free up, including articulating buses, can help develop further routes in the BLAST network using buses initially, and upgrading to LRT as ridership, and funding, warrants.

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