Comment 66686

By YYZ (anonymous) | Posted July 21, 2011 at 07:04:58 in reply to Comment 66683

I am looking at the cost benefit, which is why I mentioned the Metrolinx BCA. I suggest you review slides 8 and 9 of this Metrolinx presentation which summarizes their findings
and the full Benefits Case document. It clearly shows that as you say LRT will provide better land value improvement (roughly twice as much) and twice the network capacity of BRT on the same line. In terms of actual costs however (and I refer you to page 38 of the benefits case) the total operational and capital costs are almost FOUR TIMES HIGHER for LRT. It's true that operational costs are a greater proportion of the BRT cost but this is offset by the high initial capital cost of LRT. You say that

"Improved bus service costs less, but has been proven in jurisdiction after jurisdiction not to attract significant amounts of private investment or to grow net tax revenues. In addition, LRT has vastly lower per-passenger operating costs than buses."

But your second point is completely contradicted by the Metrolinx BCA, and I would like to see you present some studies that "prove" your first point.

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