Comment 66564

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted July 20, 2011 at 09:50:28 in reply to Comment 66559

Why does everyone thing LRT only goes downtown? What about the people from Stoney Creek who want to go to McMaster, or work at McMaster? Or what about students living in the Durand neighbourhood who want to go to McMaster?

What about seniors living near in one of the assisted living residences along the line (there are at least three I can think of) heading east to Eastgate Square, or to downtown, maybe transferring to the A-line Bus to get up to St. Joes for testing?

What about students from Westdale heading east to James Street to go on the art crawls, or out to Eastgate Sqaure? Or for drinks at Hess village?

LRT's ridership will be reflective of the current ridership on the B-line buses, the King Street buses, the University buses, and the Delaware (5c) buses.

Take those buses during the day, and tell me that the only ridership is the bingo crownd and pandhandlers?

I can't deny that it seems like a number of neighbouring municipalities "drop" their poor on our doorstep, but I don't think that is fatal to the ridership of LRT.

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