Comment 66497

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted July 19, 2011 at 10:52:33

The real hole in terms of the downtown is the north side of King between Catherine, or say John, just take the two blocks between John and James where you have the peep show, the thrift store, bingo. All of the two blocks contribute a total of $340,000 in taxes to the city. That should be like $2 million. So, how do we go off on other investment tangents when we know if we have that problem there that has to be fixed?

What a way to champion the interests of the poor, Bob. The "real hole" couldn't possibly be along the south side of King along that stretch, like the Howard Johnson, or recently demolished building near Hughson. It certainly isn't the solid blocks of surface parking and rubble lot a block or two north of the stretch he described. Nor is it the space of the old Tivoli, or the gaping hole that was the Federal Building. No, it's the thrift store and associated bingo hall which just aren't paying enough taxes. Nevermind that the street-wall of storefronts are largely open and that it's one of the best-travelled sidewalks in Hamilton - these are the kinds of businesses. They cater to poor people, so they're even worse than rubble lots.

This is exactly the kind of mentality which he complains about destroying most of the rest of downtown.

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