Comment 66486

By Myrcurial (registered) - website | Posted July 19, 2011 at 09:46:44 in reply to Comment 66417

I'm sorry - did you just say "The train seldom experiences major delays"?


You've obviously never been a GO hostage. I once spent 3 hours on a train because there was a tree branch across the tracks and they had to get a crew out to remedy the situation. A friend of mine spent 4+ hours on a train because "the passengers are witnesses" -- a person at the end of their rope had jumped, a horrible thing for them and for the train engineer -- but does someone sitting on the upper deck at 5 cars back in an aisle seat really represent a material witness?

Also - ever noticed how it takes 20 minutes to get from Union to Clarkson, 35 minutes to get from Clarkson to Aldershot and 20 minutes to get from Aldershot to Hamilton GO Centre? I spend the time from 5:20 - 5:43 gnashing my teeth because I'm pretty certain that a diseased squirrel is beating the train on the run in.

How about instead of electrification, we just go ahead and make the tracks true enough to permit operation at the 120+km/h that the new engines are capable of... how bout that.

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