Comment 66444

By hereintheweeds (registered) | Posted July 18, 2011 at 23:03:42

Ok enough is enough It's time to make our voices heard. We need to remind council who they work for. We elected them to govern now but also keep an eye on the future. The LRT is potential spark that could start the redevelopment of whole city not just the core. All day GO is a given just sit and wait it will come. You are not going to hear from the developers until the city makes this a reality. If I am sinking my money into this I am not going to show my hand until its time. If you build it they will come. It has been proven time and time again do we have to put these guys on a plane and show them. Do we really need to draw you a picture? I for one am tired of shortsighted career politicians who refuse to see past the end of their nose. If we really want this than we need to send a very clear loud msg that they have no chance of being misunderstood. We elected you to lead not follow.

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