Comment 66443

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted July 18, 2011 at 23:02:29

As for all-day GO service - the point isn't simply to get people to/from union faster. What about people who want to take a train up to Oakville, or down to Niagara? We need to be a point on this network, not just run express buses to the nearest ones. All-day GO service was somewhat visionary a decade ago, and has been a policy of the last two (at least?) mayors, as well as a policy of GO itself. I think I speak for Hamilton when I say, GET IT DONE YESTERDAY.

I really don't see how all-day-GO competes with LRT. If anything, it's the very same issue on a larger scale. In both cases - rail is simply a cheaper, higher-capacity option in the long run.

GO needs the HSR, and the HSR needs GO. How are all these people going to get to the GO station (at James or Hunter)? How are all the newcomers to a city arriving without cars going to get around? You don't do GO any favours by kneecapping the network expansion at a local level.

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