Comment 66417

By -Hammer- (registered) | Posted July 18, 2011 at 18:48:01 in reply to Comment 66416

I completely disagree. The Bus system speed is completely dependent on the traffic conditions of the 403/QEW, which are often less then stellar and a much bigger gamble then the train. For me, there is no question between taking the Express Bus or the train. I will take the train every time.

The train seldom experiences major delays and has the potential to be electrified, increasing the speed even more. It's more environmentally friendly then the buses as well. I'd like to see the Hunter St. terminal get more volume, and the city needs to scream at CP/CN to make that happen, but failing anything running a shuttle bus from Hunter to Liuna station 5 minutes after the train leaves either station is a simple way to link both stations. That and failing anything opening up Hunter to more Greyhound traffic is also an option.

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