Comment 66416

By jeffzuk (registered) | Posted July 18, 2011 at 18:30:41 in reply to Comment 66401

I take the GO train and/or bus everyday to Toronto, and I don't think all day GO train service is a priority. In my experience the express bus to/from union is FASTER than the GO train at all times of the day except rush hour.

I do have real concerns about running all day train sevice out of Jame St., because the proposals I've read suggest we'd keep rush hour service and bus service at hunter, and funnell allt he other daily trips to James St., which I think risks making things extremely difficult for people trying to get to Toronto.

Essentially every passenger heading to Toronto durin gthe day will have to decide, do I take the bus form Hunter Street, or the train from James St? Which will get there faster/more comfortably today? If you miss one, you don't even have the option of going to the other unless you're going to travel between stations somehow (and my guess is the city is going to do a poor job integrating transit between the two (or three) points. Not to mention the fact that someone missing the last rush hour train at hunter would be forced to go to James St. to take the next train.

I also remain very concerned about the real possibility that somewhere down the line they'll decide to cancel the QEW express service because we have all day GO train service, and the bus becomes redundent. This would be a major error in my opinion, and increase travel times significantly for no material gain, as well as essentially reduce the traffic coming out of the Hunter St. stations drastically.

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