Comment 66407

By Sigma Cub (anonymous) | Posted July 18, 2011 at 17:16:42


The vision, mission and goals of the City of Hamilton will be guided by 10 core values.

Fiscal Accountability: to increase the efficiency of our city government through fiscal responsibility and prudence

Leadership: in our thinking and in our actions; encouraging individual and team initiatives that exceed expectations, and advocating what we believe in

Innovation: to think broadly and long-term; to balance both city-wide and neighbourhood responsibilities; to do more with limited resources

Integrity: to demonstrate honesty and sincerity in all of our dealings, upholding only the highest ethical principles; to provide open and transparent communications to create informed opinion

Respect: for the needs of all residents, for all viewpoints, and for the diversity of our community

Compassion: sensitivity to, and meeting the requirements of all residents with special needs and interests, and those less fortunate

Commitment: to fulfilling the vision and goals of the city

Teamwork:working in full cooperation and a spirit of collegiality with staff, Council, residents, businesses and external partners

Sustainability: to contribute to a balanced community, economy and environment; to minimize the footprint of our activities and to do no harm

Excellence: in our service delivery, through a quality workforce; and to show pride in our efforts and the community in which we live and work.

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