Comment 66385

By Zozo (registered) | Posted July 18, 2011 at 16:14:03

A market place, studying a large population, with new ways to make money? Sounds pretty innovative to me.

A population that is peer oriented, that is all about talking to others on equal footing and maintaining strong social ties where ever they go? Is that an engaged citizen or what?

A population looking to work where they live, deciding to stay there afterwards, and make a life for themselves? A diverse and educated population, cementing their skills and knowledge into our economy. Now that's an opportunity!

We need to really look at this issue, and any related to attracting and RETAINING the educated youth these administrations bring to our city. It is quite simply a wasted strategic resource not to.

Comment edited by Zozo on 2011-07-18 16:14:57

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