Comment 66310

By Henry and Joe (anonymous) | Posted July 17, 2011 at 18:08:42 in reply to Comment 66163

I agree. Mentorship programs would be great for a couple of reasons. The ability for children to aspire to higher goals requires that they see these people working in their neighbourhoods. Also, the post secondary system is under considerable financial strain. In order to meet future needs of students entering the system they are going to need innovative ways to educate students outside of traditional classroom pen & paper methods.

Trades still have somewhat of a negative stigma from my experience with students and parents in the public education system. It is not entirely clear why, since many of my parents' neigbours in S. Creek became millionaires through hard work in trades/business.

There are some cultural factors at play. Newer immigrants believe that University is the only way to improve their lot in the new country, and I have observed some interesting correlations with background and career goals. Older generation families also tend to be one tracked, and have bought into the American culture of dream jobs in medicine, law, and business. Very few students actually declare interest in the trades at the high school level from my experience.

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