Comment 66161

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted July 14, 2011 at 14:05:51

Mahesh, you raise some good points. McMaster is not alone in the approach it has taken, effectively "isolating" itself as a bastion of higher learning in a "good" neighbourhood in a "rough" city. York University similar seems to have arranged its campus, and its mentality, to promote itself as "safe haven" for learning in a bad neighbourhood, surrounded by heavy industry and therefore isolated from the surrounding community.

Universities have a great opportunity, as Joey Coleman also pointed out in his article, to reach out to the city they're in, and really integrate themselves into every facet of it. Doing so not only helps the community, but provides valuable real-life experience, something that many universities are introducing to add value to the educational services they're providing.

I know when I was at McMaster, our marketing class helped develop marketing plans for local businesses, and there was a competitive internship program - but neither was geographically focussed on Hamilton, and I'm certian there are many other potential local initiatives that are being overlooked.

Geographically speaking, McMaster is also very similar to York University in that they are located on the periphery of the city, and this makes integration difficult. That said, integration is possible, and there is no reason why, especially given the HSR and the discounted bus passes all McMaster students purchase, that McMaster could not become more integrated with the city.

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