Comment 66151

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted July 14, 2011 at 11:36:52 in reply to Comment 66097

Circle jerk club? Are you the same bigguy1231 on The Spec heralding that they ... you know what you said re: stray cats.

If this isn’t you, you might want to stop being such an arse while commenting on public forums. Someone over in The Spec commenting section is steeling your identity to make you look like even more of an oaf because they are sick of the crap you toss around. You Might want to change your RTH registered handle if that other Bigguy1231 isn’t you. Not that it will matter because they will just keep using your handle over there until you argue an opinion you don’t agree with, with some class.

Rather than the smash talk bigguy, argue the facts and state your opposing opinion. Maybe it will get down voted but it’s not something to take offense over. It simply means that there exists those who don’t agree with you. It’s called a debate. Go hang out on the CHML blog if you want everyone to like your stand on LRT.

Why do you hang out here? What joy do you get in generalizing the 1,500 or so visitors to this site a day? This isn’t a space with an agenda. It’s a community that believes there are alternate ways to look at and approach certain things and that the world is perhaps going to Haiti in a concrete McPicnic basket if we don’t start looking further into the future instead of using yesterday’s ideas to solve the issues we are facing today - and will likely face in the immediate and distant future.

Change your handle. Start anew. Join us in debate.

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