Comment 66149

By Mark-Alan Whittle (anonymous) | Posted July 14, 2011 at 11:22:17

My parents couldn't afford to send me to College or University either, so I took my natural skill of being able to use my hands and the love of cars to become an Apprentice Mechanic after high school, attended Mohawk College to learn the craft, while continuing to work full time, where I excelled, made the Deans List and Honor Roll. After four years of hard work I became a Class "A" Licensed Mechanic. After 35 years in the trade, with a contiguous record of employment, I was able to afford to retire early at 50 and take life easy. During that time I also trained a number of Apprentices, who also had no problem making a nice living fixing cars. Today, mechanics are like rocket scientists or computer diagnostic experts, they get paid accordingly. The best way out of poverty is an education and a job, the rest will follow.

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