Comment 66114

By Fred Street (anonymous) | Posted July 13, 2011 at 12:00:51 in reply to Comment 66112

So three years ago they found the courage to "put forth a policy recommendation regarding Light Rail Transit that we think represents the most economical options for 'Rapid' Public Transit for the City". What that recommendation would be is anyone’s guess, but it seems to be BRT – and that that trucks would still have right of way: "It is absolutely critical that LRT routes do not hinder efficient movement of goods in a growing city. Goods movement is essential as the economy is driven on jobs and prosperity needed to combat poverty."

As well as their enthusiasm for economical, low-impact transit, they’ve been notably silent since then. And it’s one thing to recommend something, but if you're not willing to step up for it… well, I believe that's called lip service.

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