Comment 661

By Rusty (registered) - website | Posted July 18, 2006 at 09:13:20

I think that's exactly the point Brandon. The letter writer is looking at the issue from a purely selfish point of view. He makes a strong argument - one that is probably valid enough to ensure that commuters will never be 'punished' and kept off the roads on smog days. But he seems to be viewing the act of driving as his right, his privilege. It's not. This planet of ours is getting pretty full up and we all need to understand the impact of our actions, and take responsibility for them. Stop feeling sorry for ourselves and panicking about - God forbid - missing a day's pay, and stop looking for the government to show us the way.

When we fail to change our bad habits it's OUR fault and no-one else's. Doing things the same way because the alternatives are 'not fair' is not going to help anyone.

Good discussion.



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