Comment 66099

By new guy (anonymous) | Posted July 13, 2011 at 08:39:53

No need? You're ok with the status quo?

LRT is not just about moving people. It's about transformational change.

You may love the lower city just the way it is, but I firmly believe most Hamiltonians would agree that DRASTIC change is needed.

LRT has a proven track record for such changes, and with the province planning to spend $50 billion in the next 25 years on THE BIG MOVE, $800 million is only about 1.5% of that. The province plans on spending 98.5% of $50 Billion dollars elsewhere! It would be foolish to turn down provincial money, that will most likely be spent elsewhere, when it can do so much for the lower city's revitalization. revitalizing the lower city is good for the ENTIRE city and would help lessen the tax burden that many suburbanites complain about.

Wake up people! Take a step back and look at the big picture!

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