Comment 66098

By Iam Exasperated (anonymous) | Posted July 13, 2011 at 03:11:06

rather than vent here are some suggestions

1) turn off your ranting and disparaging remarks about council. insults just piss them off and they ignore RTH. 16 emails, only 3 responded with benign statements. only one detailed resonse through his own blog. what does this tell you?

2) find an advocate who council respects and trusts, david adames . get him to be the champion.

3) Defend the LRT case on merit. you can be critical of their position without without making it personal.

4) ask a councillor to attend a public mtg to discuss best lobbying methods .

RTH is a blog. You need a lobby or action committee with respected citizens. look at what FOTEK or turtle- ponds group accomplished.

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