Comment 66092

By James (registered) | Posted July 12, 2011 at 22:21:55 in reply to Comment 66088

I suppose. If, for some reason, this violates a RTH policy, someone let me know and I'll delete it. Mail is as follows:

Dear Mr. Carter, I'm not doing things to get re-elected, so the implication that I should heed your wishes lest I lose your vote disengages me.

Flip-flopping? I am an advocate of LRT. I don't know what the financial implications are to the average tax-payer, nor do you. To therefore endorse whatever the project entails is irresponsible.

Improved access to public transit? The LRT stops are farther apart than bus stops. LRT revenues might have to be funnelled back into suppor of the project, thus endangering other routes that are subsidized by the now profitable bus operations on the B Line.

Last time I took a bus? I ride regularly, holding an HSR pass. The time-consuming bus trips are typically to and from the east or west mountain. LRT has no impact in this configuration.

Finally, rancorous derisive comments are not compelling.

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