Comment 66061

By jtford (registered) | Posted July 12, 2011 at 14:34:25

A comment about Charlottes Lynx system. One only has to look at Google maps to see that this system is mostly on existing Rail lines, not on city streets like what is being proposed in Hamilton. So we are not talking the same type of system at all here. It is also a single line through part of the city. Not a very helpful for city wide transit I think.

This "progressive" talk about future development coming with the new system smells of wishful thinking. If this were true, developers would stand to make money redeveloping property. That is what they do. The conspiratorial of the readers here think the developers only want greenfield development. This is just not true. For the new development to make use of the new transit line, they have to have somewhere to go! You know, jobs, attractions...

Taxpayers I think are wise to be skeptical of this kind of thing. Another $125 on the tax bill when we already pay for buses on those streets is just too much to ask, all the while making auto traffic downtown more inconvenient.

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