Comment 66059

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted July 12, 2011 at 13:34:07 in reply to Comment 65989


Thanks Vod. I didn't save anything. I just ticked them off long enough that they said "Here. Have your damn stadium. And hey, here is $150M - do with it what you want." :)

Not that I was/am an expert on stadiums or stadium districts, but I know very litle about LRT except what I have learned on this space.

I hope to continue to be involved in the planing of the stadium district and my councillor has even approached me twice to re-itterate that they would like to engage me in this process. So as it pertained to the future sustainability of the stadium, LRT has always been something that I kept an eye on but left the facts and fighting to those that seemed to have a good grasp on the process and from what I seen (deju of the stadium debate as others have alluded to above/below), I thought things were lining up and headed in the right direction. I even put the proposed east/west line on my stadium map.

Aside from IWS, a lot of thought fills my soul with regards to protecting the greenspace that surrounds Hamilton - more importantly, Binbrook Conservation Area and Tyneside Trail sparked by me seeing some clearings next to Tyneside and a few wood poles with orange ties around them.

It wasn't until I read those two paragraphs that I quoted above, that I realized that this project could greatly affect two projects in this city that are dear to my heart. If LRT can encourage building within and allow us to preserve more of the beautiful land that surrounds us, than I have found where my voice might fit into this fight.

I filled a few pages in my journal on the train ride home from work yesterday evening. I think I know my angle but like I stated, I wouldn't mind collaborating on the emotional sell of this project.

I played team sports all of my life so this fighting on your own to save something (aka IWS), doesn't have the same reward at the end when victory is realized. Not that it was my victory this time but perhaps one of these fights I will be able to say that I was a part of it and I want someone (many someones) to celebrate with.

Life is a team sport and dreams are better realized, when those dreams are shared and celebrated by many.

So we have three yah's. Something tells me this is going to cost more than $60. :)

Comment edited by lawrence on 2011-07-12 13:42:43

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