Comment 66007

By -Hammer- (registered) | Posted July 11, 2011 at 21:40:14 in reply to Comment 66005

For the most part, with the exception of a select few metropolises, on average metropolitan areas in Europe are denser then North American counterparts. Boston for example boast a paltry density of 880/km2. Asia is really where Mass Transit and density excel, especially in Tokyo and Shanghai.

London 5,290km/2 Madrid 5,720km/2 Rome 3,180km/2 Paris 3,450km/2

New York 1,840km/2 Los Angles 2,570km/2 Toronto/Ham 2,610km/2 Vancouver 1,790km/2

I honestly feel this is the biggest drawback to LRT in Hamilton. There isn't enough density and what density we do have in the core is all within walking distance of itself. The entire mountain is practically a giant suburb, save for a small section close to Limeridge Mall on Mohawk Rd. The City needs to stop sprawl and focus on density, and not just in the core, but along the entire Main St/King St. corridor. It needs to say "Discounts for any developer who builds higher then five stories and levies for developers who are building these two-three floor houses plus basements."

Comment edited by -Hammer- on 2011-07-11 22:09:05

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