Comment 660

By Brandon (registered) | Posted July 18, 2006 at 08:06:22

I read this when it was first published and something bothered me about it, but I couldn't put my finger on it. The other day it came to me and it was this concept of "punishment". Paul talks about being punished for his decision to commute to Mississauga to earn more money and yet live more cheaply.

The other side of this question is "Why is it acceptable for Paul to punish everyone else for his decisions?".

When deciding where to live and work, there are three main factors to consider.

1) Job satisfaction (how much you earn, how much you enjoy it, etc...). 2) Cost of living (real estate prices, neighbourhood community, etc...) 3) Cost of getting between the two (time involved, gas prices, fuel economy, environmental consequences, etc...).

What we have seen in the past is that number 3 is reduced almost exclusively to the financial and temporal costs, but never the environmental consequences. Somehow those environmental consequences need to be factored into the costs of the commute.

Once that is done, the true costs of each of the three decision factors will be obvious, not just the ones that affect an individual directly.

Brandon Hamilton

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