Comment 65734

By MichaelS (anonymous) | Posted July 07, 2011 at 13:35:04

I agree. If you are too "old school" in thinking. Step aside. The problem is that most of these councillors have been here way to long. They don't believe in whats happening here. They have seen and heard it all over the years and think it's all smoke and mirrors. Resign and get out of the way. The business community and private citizens are leading the way. It's very evident. All of the progress that has been made to date. James St.N,Locke St,new condo developments etc etc etc are all being pushed by the people and local business people who are taking the risks. They are right. They don't have much control over this anymore. They clearly don't have a vision or the ambition to lead. So the people will lead. They can sit back at they're big table and watch in shock.

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