Comment 6567

By highwater (registered) | Posted May 03, 2007 at 12:22:21

Thanks for the link to that article, Trey. I hadn't seen it before. I wasn't sad to see the AGH 'redone', but I hope they can keep they're hands off Hamilton Place. It's unfortunate the way it turns its back on Main, but it is built very much on a human scale. I find concrete to be a very warm, human material with a sculptural, 'handmade' quality to it. And of course the acoustics are second to none. I'd hate to see it all slicked up with steel and glass. And yeah, I like Robarts too. Spent many an hour haunting the stacks in "Fort Book". The Thomas Fisher is a beautiful space. Like Hamilton Place, it is a good example of Brutalism's warmer, human side.

That's very unfortunate about the old Health Department building. I haven't seen the renderings, but it sounds tragic.

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