Comment 65662

By 2 wheels good (anonymous) | Posted July 06, 2011 at 16:01:27

There is a fairly extensive literature out there, in spite of the fact that it's not the kind of data that gets you hired by folks with money i.e. governments looking to build bike paths, or by so called cyclist advocate groups pushing for their construction. I suspect most of the citations I have are not on line, much work was done in the pre-web 80's on this though if you are interested I could dig them out. Anyways here is one that is representative, the largest such study ever done in Denmark:

Collisions between intersections were reduced by 10%, and injuries by 4%, But
Collisions at intersections increased by 18% resulting in an increased injury rate in these groups as follows:
Pedestrians: +28%
Cyclists: +22%
Moped riders: +37%

The net effect was an increase in accidents and injuries to non-motorists overall of 9% to 10%

Car drivers on the other hand benefited from the introduction of the bike paths, the injury rate in that group dropped by about 4% after the installation of the bike lanes.

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